Sunday, September 29, 2019

List 5 words you learn. (word, definition, one example sentence each) (Transport of the future)

1. prevalent (adj.) : existing very commonly or happening often
> These diseases are more prevalent among young children.

2. levitation (n.)the act of rising and floating, or making someone rise or float, in the air
without any physical support
> One of his most famous illusions was levitation, in which he caused his wife to rise from the stage.

3. prototype (n.) : the first example of something, such as a machine or other industrial product, from which all later forms are developed
a prototype for/of a new car

4. far-fetched (adj.)very unlikely to be true, and difficult to believe
> a far-fetched idea/story

5. correspondent (n.)a person employed by a newspaper, a television station, etc. to report on a particular subject or send reports from a foreign country
the education correspondent for the Guardian

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Are the speaking and listening tasks difficult for you? What are the challenges you often face when you listen and speak in English?

The speaking task is actually kinda difficult for me, so I would say yes.
I think I have more difficult in speaking tasks because I can't link all the vocab I know to construct a sentence in the very short time and I'll be nervous when talk to other.
(Like why do we speak in English one and other when we can actually speak Chinese? :))

Sunday, September 15, 2019

My new plan this year!

It's a busy summer vacation. All of us are working hard in welcome camp, so there's no time to do other thing.
I'll try my best to face this semester, because the third semester will be harder than before.
Although I had no problem facing my last semester, I still won't underestimate this year.
I also plan to quit my part-time job to help my uncle's new beverage store and learning Korean.
I hope everything go well in this year and wish everyone have a nice year.